Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pay It Forward

A blogging game...This one involves getting free stuff. Nice huh? I signed on through Jeanine's blog. She owes me a handmade gift. The first three people to leave a comment on my blog will receive a handmade gift from me. You most certainly will not get it tomorrow and probably not even next week, but you'll get it! Here's the catch...if you want to get free stuff, you have to pay it forward and make the same promise on your blog. (You must have a blog to participate.) So if you want to get something from me, you have to give to three people. Who's it gonna be?


gilliay said...

I'll commit to giving three homemade gifts! Is it okay if you have to mail it to me though? This is a great idea Ang!

Liz said...

Ok, I'll commit.
I say it hesitatingly, because I'm now responsible,but I'm always curious to receive free stuff, and it from you Angie.
Love your guts

Cherise said...

yea! Bring it on!