Tuesday, August 18, 2009

T-t-t-tarantula Time!

Two nights ago, Richie touched a tarantula...TWICE!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mylie is ONE!

My baby turned one July 15. Wow time flies. I remember those long nights I thought would NEVER end. But I also remember holding her little body in my arms in complete amazement of her being, of her perfection and sweet spirit! Oh how I love my little girl.

Finishing Utah

My oh my see how much I had to catch up on? I tried to persuade Richie to do this post but I was unsuccessful!
What else did we do in Utah? We looked at the Tahitian Noni Gardens--beeeeeautiful, with Donna and Kate, we played cards and Speed Scrabble with Wannie, Pop Pop, Donna, and Kate, we went out to eat--A LOT, we had a nice dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Graves at Wannie and Pop Pop's house, we went to BYU's art museum, we ate at Brick Oven with Richie's family, we went over to BYU's dinosaur museum, we visited Richie's Dad's grave and my Aunt Heidi's grave, we visited with some of my old roommates and their families, and of course we just enjoyed being with family!

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July is my next favorite holiday after Christmas! (Fourth of July in Utah anyway, that state REALLY knows how to celebrate!) We spent it this year in Orem with Richie's entire immediate family. It was so much fun! We had a barbecue and went to the Pleasant Grove fireworks, which were great! We did sparklers on the grass at the junior high where we sat to watch the fireworks. I love sparklers! I love fireworks! Have I mentioned that I LOVE the Fourth of July? Mylie was intrigued with the sparklers and fireworks too. I have a feeling that she will also love this holiday! Here are some snapshots of the family at the fireworks field!
1. Mylie
2. Our Fam
3. Top: niece Jessica, Sis-in-law Pamela, Mommas (Eileen), Sis-in-law Patrice, niece Jeanette. Bottom: Sis-in-law Rachel with nephew Landon, me and Mylie, Sis-in-law Schuyler.
4. Nephews Brevyn and Aaron
5. Mylie with her cousin Joshua
6. Neices Amanda, Addy and Kamryn
7. Ryan and Schuyler
8. Jeanette, Michael, Pamela, Jessica
9. Matt and Camille (and Troy back there!)
10. Rachel and Landon
11. Troy


We had so much fun in Utah. We stayed with Great Grandma Wannie and Great Grandpa Pop Pop. The von Zastrow's and Davis' were visiting too--that was a special treat! We really miss living close to family and Utah itself. You can't beat those beautiful purple and green mountains!
Pictured in order:
1. Mylie with Pop Pop
2. Mylie with Wannie
3. My cousin Shalin, Aunt Jeanne and cousin Kate
4. Sister Lisa and Aunt Donna
5. Cousin Max, Uncle Dave, and friend Logan

Finishig Oklahoma

Here are some snapshots from the rest of our trip to Oklahoma.
Mylie with Graves side cousins--Kyler and Conner.

Aunt Cassie and Cousin Kyler.

Mylie with Daddy.

Mylie with Aunt Michelle.

Mylie with Grandma Jo.

Papa and Grandma Jo.

Kolby's Grave

We visited Kolby's grave one evening. It was sad, sweet, and special. I continue to ache for the loss but am also happy with the knowledge I have of the plan our Heavenly Father has for us, the beautiful Plan of Salvation.

Turner Falls

We got to go to Turner Falls with my dad and Michelle in Oklahoma. It was so pretty and a lot of fun! I would describe it as the smaller, not quite as amazing but still pretty cool version of Havasupai Falls in the Grand Canyon. We definitely learned that next time we go we need to bring a cooler full of food, a few blankets and chairs to sit on, and lots of suncreen to spend the whole day there! Lovely! Michelle and I enjoyed this cool slide too!