Monday night, the 14th about 11:45 I began to feel REAL contractions! We arrived at the hospital a little after 1:00 am and I sat in triage room for almost 2 hours while they monitored my contractions and Mylie's heart. Contractions were horribly painful! Finally they admitted me and asked if I wanted an epidural. Of course I said, "YES! As soon as possible!" It was wonderful once the epidural kicked in. I still had a little window of pain in my stomach, but it was bearable. However, the epidural stopped working and my pain was even worse! I was doing something I thought I would never do...crying uncontrollably, moaning, and groaning! I personally think the pain from contractions is worse than the pain from breaking a bone. So my anesthesiologist gave me a new epidural. After 30 more minutes of enduring the pain, I realized this epidural was not going to work either. When everyone was out of the room, Richie gave me a blessing. Then in came the anesthesiologist to give me a third epidural. Miraculously this one took effect immediately. I was incredibly grateful!
At 7:30 am Doctor Chen came in. I loved this doctor! He wasn't my doctor, but I liked him better than mine, and I felt so comfortable with him. He broke my water, then my nurse gave me some Pitocin to induce my labor (I wasn't dilating very well!)
By noon I was dilated to an 8, and my nurse didn't even check me again until 4:15 pm! Richie and my mom were not happy with her, but didn't show it. I was then dilated to a 10 and fully effaced, ready to push! I pushed and pushed for THREE hours. I was so thirsty and exhausted. During the three hours, my blood pressure went up, and Mylie's heart rate went from 160 and worked it's way up to almost 200 bpm. It was really scary. Finally Dr. Chen came back. He called for a double team of nurses from NICU for when Mylie would be born. He said, "Well looks like you've been pushing for just under 2 hours." Wrong! Either the nurse had confused the time or she lied to him to save her hiney because of Mylie's and my condition. Dr. Chen said I had 2 options: 1. Try the vacuum or 2. Get a c-section. I opted for choice one, and within 4 pushes and a 4th degree tear, Mylie finally entered our world! She was born Tuesday, July 15 at 7:34 pm. LONG day, but it was the most joyous feeling and honestly I felt this immediate and immense love for our little girl.
It was immediately discovered that Mylie's heart was wacky. Fast, slow, skipping beats, totally irregular. They let me hold her for a few seconds then rushed her off to NICU. Richie was able to go with them. Then they noticed between gasps and coughs that she was also having a problem with her respiratory system. When they reached NICU and the nurses were working on her, Richie slipped his finger in her little hand and she held on to it the whole time. Richie fought his tears really hard. The nurses told him he could talk to her--perhaps she would recognize his voice. But he couldn't do it because he knew he'd burst into tears and be very embarrassed. However he did feel a special connection with Mylie right away.
Later that day when Richie and I visited Mylie, he gave her a blessing. Soon enough her heartbeat was regular and her respiratory system seemed to be normal too. What a blessing! She was still on antibiotics in case she had some type of infection. Forty-eight hours after the culture, we discovered it was negative.
There was a good chance that Mylie was going to stay in the hospital and we'd have to go home without her. The Lord heard our prayers though. We had a very great desire to bring her home with us and were very worried that we wouldn't be able to. Late Friday afternoon, all three of us, as a family, FINALLY got to go home.
Through this rough experience, my faith was immensely strengthened. I am incredibly grateful for the priesthood and the power of prayer. I am grateful for the tender mercies of the Lord and his watchful care over us. I am so blessed to have a husband who is worthy, who holds the priesthood and can bless his family with it, and who loves so deeply and unconditionally.
Look how she's grown!
What a long day! Congrats on your little girl!
That was fun to hear again. We women love to talk about giving birth don't we? I wonder if it's because we feel like pioneers--I know I did! She is a beauty--can't wait to see her soon.
Congratulations! She is SO cute!
Jen from soccer
That was a long day for us too! She is the most precious thing and is so lucky to have such wonderful parents! Love you guys!
Wow ang, you are a trooper. I think I would have been buzzing my nurse in after about 45 minutes! And three epidurals! I'm so glad that Mylie is safe and healthy and what a neat opportunity for Richard (he'll always be Richard to me) to bless his little family. We are so excited for you and can't wait for more updates!
Angie and Richie!! We miss you guys and hope we get to see you soon! Mylie is just absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing your birthing experience...I am so grateful for the priesthood and a worthy husband, too!! I'm so glad everyone is okay! Hope to hear from you soon!
Love, Amy
Wow you guys, sounds like quite the emotional roller coaster! I was almost crying when you wrote about richie and mylie, so sweet! I hope things continue to go well for your sweet family. Oh, and President Webster says hi.
I am wondering where your dr. was with all this? Dr. Chen hasn't ever delivered mine, but I have had dr. appts with him (because he's apart of the same practice) I have heard absolutely wonderful things about him though. I hope you are recovering ok!
That is an amazing story! I'm sorry you had to go through such trauma, but how grateful we are for the Priesthood and that AWESOME husband of yours! We love you guys! Congrats on a beautiful little girl!
That is a wonderful story and I ho0pe you have written it in her baby book. I am also so thankful for the power of the priesthood. I have seen its answer to prayer this week as well. Mylie is so beautiful and I can't wait to see her in person! Miss you and Love you!
As I was reading, I was taken back to the day that I gave birth to Bretton. It sounded EXACTLY like mine, with a just a couple differences. Crazy though! Plus, My b-day was the 14th, so I know you tried, but it just wasn't going to happen to have her on my birthday. It's ok, I understand. Glad she's here and she's healthy! She's a cutie, and I'll pray for a fast recovery for you!
So glad that she's a healthy baby. Thank goodness for the priesthood huh? And so sweet that Richie was so close to tears. Rich cried like a baby when William was born!
And dang that nurse!
What an experience! So hard yet so wonderful at the same time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I loved reading it - you are such wonderful, in tune parents already. Mylie is a lucky girl to be in such a special home. Love ya, hope you are recovering well!
Hey, I was just looking at Cassies blog and saw your daughter. Congrats on your little one. She is soooo beautiful. I hope you guys are doing well.
Angie, she is beautiful!! CONGRATULATIONS! I am especially glad that you are all healthy and doing well. Isn't being a mother amazing?! Good luck and get some sleep.
So I know you must have your hands full right now but Scott got a pretty random call a few days ago. Justin Smith (from HI) is getting married!! He said he would love to send you an announcement as well and wants your address. I don't want to put his number on your blog so if you want to email me your address (and phone number if you want to hear from him) send it to me at Hope that all makes sense and hope to hear from you soon!
Oh, I also LOVE the name Mylie . . . good pick!
wow, what a crazy delivery! i'm glad you all made it out all right. oh, we had some unattentive nurses who left us forever and Derek let them know what they thought, especially when we had some problems during delivery which may have been because of their actions (or non actions)
What a delivery story! Let's hope you don't have to go through that again. I am so glad that Mylie made it here okay and I hope her mama is recovering quickly!
I'm glad you shared that experience, that can be very scary. Congratulations for your beautiful little girl and enduring all that you had to to bring her her. I'm sure as hard as it was at the time, you now look back and still remember the difficulty, but how worth it it must seem. I work in NICU, so I have been on many deliveries and am always grateful when things turn out ok (and they often do). She is going to be so much fun, and she has great parents!
Congrats Ang! She is sooo beautiful! I hope you are recovering well!! It sounds like you had quite the experience! They say it gets easier with the next one... :)
I'm sorry that you went through such an ordeal! As a L&D nurse, I cringe when I hear stories like that (with your nurse and all). But what a precious gift you received at the end! Thanks for sharing your story! I love the pic of Mylie in the yellow bow laying in the boppie. She looks so beautiful.
Hey Angie! Your little one is so darling! Sorry to hear about your crazy delivery and about Mylie being in the NICU for a bit, but glad you are both ok now. Can't wait to see her. She will have to teach Ethan a few things, since she'll have been around on this earth a little longer when he comes. :) Congrats again!
Wow, Ang what a story I hope that you have made a copy of that story for Mylie to read and tresure someday. I just got back from being an EFY cansoler here in the UK and I had a very VERY strong feeling to bear witness of the power of the prestood during testimony meeting. I konw from that experience my testimony has grown. I can't imagen how yours has grown experienceing something so wonderful. Thanks for sharing it with us. xxx
I'm so glad everything turned out well. I wanted to also tell you about a friend of mine that takes baby photos in SLC. She is wonderful and VERY affordable. Check out her blog at
I'm sorry. I completely forgot you moved! I don't think I know anyone there.
AGain, I am so sorry it was such a horrible day, but she is darling!
Wow! That is so awesome! I loved reading that. What a neat experience...hard, but amazing. I miss you guys!
E aà cara!!!!
Aqui é o Tabosa, lembra de mim???
Legal ver fotos de sua famÃlia, parabéns pela linda filha...
Estamos esperando bebê também, vamos saber o sexo em Setembro...
mantenha contato...
FamÃlia Tabosa
parabéns linda menininha!!!!!!
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