"Dear Sweetie,
As a new mother I figure you'll be doing a lot of rocking as you rock the baby to sleep. I also believe you'll be doing a lot of rolling as you push the stroller along. So for Mother's Day, I figured I'd get you something with a little bit of rock and roll. I hope you enjoy! Happy Mother's Day!
(Go check the baby's room)
I'm thinking "Hu? We've got a rocking chair, and what in the world does this mean?"
Any guesses?
It's something I've been wanting for a long time...
That's right folks,

How fun! I am glad you are still young enough for fun and games. Stay that way always! Much Love and Happy Mother's Day, little almost-a-mommy.
He is very very funny and yes, he is a creative writer! Guiter Hero, huh! Very cool!
What a cute idea! Go Richie!
Oh, we're jealous! I'm sure it's a game we'll be buying in the near future. Happy Mother's Day!
Glad you had a great mother's day!!
How fun! Good job Richie!
So, I don't think I ever told you guys how much I loved reading your 100 lists. They were so great and funny. Little things each day keep reminding me of things you wrote, like the other day I walked by some dead animal bones and couldn't help but laugh and think of Richie's closet...
You guys are so great! I wish we could see you.
How cute, how sweet and oh so much fun!! I've heard a lot about guitar hero and now I can learn and play at your house:) right!!!
Happy Mothers Day
What a great gift! Have fun! I am glad you had a nice mother's day!
Richie is such a sweetheart! He can give lessons the the other guys in the family. I loved the lists you guys did. So darn funny!! We laughed our guts out. Love you lots.
Rock on! It's so fun!
Happy Mother's Day girl!
Get practicing and you and Josh can have a duel on the guitar.
GO RICHIE!!! That was SO creative!!! I wish Bryon would do something creative like that! He does surprise me though so I can't complain! (Ex:Proposal at a concert, Score!) I hope you two are doing well! I miss you so much! Happy Mother's day prego-Mommy~!!! Can't wait to see you again!
Cassie Jo
I wish my husband would surprise me with Guitar Hero!! Lucky. Seriously, that's a really cute and thoughtful gift and i love how you didn't even think of what it could be because your mind is all baby obsessed!
props to richie. I'm excited for you guys! Only 54 days to go!
haha! That's awesome! Guitar hero is classic! Tell him he gets props from me!
That ROCKS Ang, it sounds like something my Rich would get me,however I told him when school is done here and we get back to the states if he sill wants one we will get that or a Wii !!!! I wish we lived close so we could come over and jam with ya!!! PS I don't know why but for some reason it seams like you have been expecting FOREVER. I guess it is like missions some go fast some go slow..... yours is going slow to Rich and I.... WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE PICTURES!!!! xxx
You are going to have a blast! Smart Man, I'm very impressed
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