I get sucked into horrible stories I hear or see on TV. Not out of, "Wow this is so good!" More like, "Sheesh I can't believe somebody would do something like that!" Once I watched how some high school seniors "oriented" some juniors by pretty much beating the heck out of them, then laughing about it. I've watched how a couple kids meet up to have a fight while somebody else records it and puts it on You Tube. My sister's junior high friend was getting bullied and ended up shooting the bully with a bow and almost killing him. How in the world do things like this really happen? Do you ever think something like this would happen to you or someone in your family?
I just got a call from my dad. The words, "I called to tell you of another trauma that has happened in our family today." Those are ugly, heart-stopping words that I've heard far too many times. This time it's my sweet 15 year-old cousin Max.

He was beat in the head with a bat by a kid from school in Moab, Utah. Cracked his skull. He was life flighted to a hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado. He is currently in surgery and they are trying to get the fluid off his brain. WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS? I'm still in shock. My heart aches for Max, for my Aunt Jeanne and Uncle Dave, for my Grandparents and everyone else who knows and loves Max. I feel completely helpless as I'm sure everyone else does as well. I'm so worried about his recovery and what lies in the future. Richie and I and other family members just started a fast for Max. We would greatly appreciate any prayers on Max's behalf as well as prayers on the behalf of all of us trying to deal with this horrible tragedy.
oh, Angie, that's crazy to hear. I'm so sorry and we'll be praying for your cousin. I too can't believe the crazy world we live in now.
I'm so sorry your family is going through that. How awful! We will definitely keep them and all of you in our prayers.
Hi Angie, I will praying for your cousin. I hope his youth will help him recover.
I have to wonder if all the stuff the young people have access to see is only encouraging all the awful stuff that is going on. It must desensitize them. How could it not?
So sorry to hear this, Angie. He will be in our prayers.
I'm so sorry Angie. Max will be in my prayers. I wish I had the answers and the solutions to the problems we seem to face every day.
I am sorry Angie. I am praying for Max. Keep us updated, please.
I know God can heal and restore.
There is another family their at that hospital that I am following their story - they are from Oklahoma - Jessica (Jesse) Boone she was hurt in a ski accident.
I am praying for the doctors to have wisdom and for The Great Physican to heal!
Oh Angie, I am so terribly sorry. Rachel called to tell me about this. Please keep me informed. Love you!
Angie, I couldn't believe what I was reading as I read your post today. I just love all of you family so much, Max is a super sweet kid. We'll include him in our prayers. I'm so sorry that your family has another tragic time ahead of them. Love ya.
Angie, I am sorry to hear that. That is awful. I will totally pray for your family and for Max.
Wow, that is unimaginable and awful, and I feel terrible for you and your family. It scares the living daylights out of me to think that we are raising children of our own in such menacing times.
I'm so sorry about your cousin Max. Adam and I will keep him in our prayers.
I'm so sorry!!! That is horrible!! Hope everything works out!!
I still feel so shocked by this. You all are in our prayers, especially Max. Please keep us posted.
Also, I am so jealous you got to go to SD! One of the best places on earth! It reminded me of our trip down there, so fun! Mylie looks so cute on the beach.
Love ya,
Just read this on Cass's blog. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.
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