At the party we voted for best costume. The Merrell's dressed as Star Wars characters, and the vote was unanimous for their winning...except for one vote...the one vote that Richie voted for Mylie. I got a good laugh out of that one!

We also participated in festive games like a Candy Corn Catching contest, a couples Who Could Eat the Doughnut Fastest contest, and a Find the Reeses Pieces in the Pile of Whip Cream contest. I guess all the games were little contests. I accidentally cheated at the Candy Corn game by throwing extra Candy Corn that wasn't my team's to throw.

Richie was mad that I didn't put more effort into eating the doughnut more quickly...goodness we made a game plan right before that I would hold the hanging doughnut in place while he gobbled it up!

Richie won the Reeses Pieces contest hands down. He threw his face in the whip cream and came up with the Reeses Piece in .08 seconds flat. Pretty amazing if you ask me.

To top it all off we had delectable goodies that everyone brought, from taquitos, egg rolls, cookies, and caramel popcorn, to jello eyeballs and pretzel fingers with green cheese fingernails.

Thanks Slivka's for the most funnestest Halloween party EVER!

Sounds like a great time. I am so happy little Mylie got to wear the costume I bought over a year ago when I thought Landon was going to be a girl. (Before the ultrasound, of course) He tricked us. Anyway, she looked adorable. Richie too. What was your costume?
Love you! Mommas
That does look like such fun!
You guys like to party like we do! What a great ward family; it is so fun to be with people who are willing to be CRAZZZZY!!
How fun! Mylie looks really cute in the bunny costume! No costumes for Ryan and Schuyler this year huh? What was your costume?
What a FUN Halloween party!!! Thanks for the good ideas on some games. We're having a party this Friday- so they should come in handy! I love Richie and Mylie's coordinated costumes. Last year I was a witch and Madi was my bat!! Fun Fun!! You guys are SO cute!! I'm also glad that you updated your blog!! I checked back several times after my first comment and- NO updates!!! WOW- and now several to read!! Nice work!! I'm glad you have a mom who gets on your case about it! :) Keep 'em coming!!!
Just leaving a test comment. I already commented anonymously. Before our trip my blog account was not working. But I think it is now. SO if you see this it is only a test. Sorry for a non -comment comment
Mylie looks SO cute!
I'll be at the Casa Grande Tri also...let me know if you are coming out so I can keep an eye out for you guys :)
That party looks like a blast! The costumes were really great and the bunny and magician thing was really awesome. I was impressed.
Reminds me of the good old days when the Oldham's and us used to have such fun and amazing Halloween parties! I LOVE Mylie's bunny cosume! That was very clever to have Richie be the Magician and Mylie the rabbit. Were you a Hawaiian dancer?
How fun, I love Halloween!
Cute, cute, cute! I just love Halloween too!!
p.s. I tagged you..check out my blog!!
Sounds like a lot of fun!! Mylie looks so adorable in her outfit!!
Love the party idea!! You look so cute in your costumes!! How creative. I also really love the pics!!
Your pictures are so good, when the CD's done let me know and I'll come by and get it. And I didn't connect the magician with the rabit in a hat - seriuosly adorable!
What a fun party! It reminded me of our good 'ol date night Halloween parties. Your costumes look great!
Looks like a fun party! Cute costumes!
Now if that isn't a cute idea. A magician and his rabbit coming out of a hat. Loved it.
I tagged you in the Sweetheart tag.
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